Saturday, May 30, 2009

Hiking at the Twisted Forest

While we were up in Brian Head, we took all the little kids on a four-wheel ride to the top of chair four where we had a little picnic. Then we continued on to the twisted forest were we went on a little hike. It was so much fun.

Do you just love Britney's pose in this one? How about Justin's?

Eric and Andrew through this off the cliff where there was a waterfall. I guess that's what boys to for fun. :)


Jillian Clara said...

Fun hike, we are cute!! I don't know why boys want to throw trees over waterfalls?

Jillian Clara said...

was that you Brit?... signed in on my account?

Adams Family said...

how fun! all your little nieces and nephews are so cute, i love them!

Kris said...

Jilly!!! i love the update!!!! i love you lets hang out... you are the best!

Kris said...

oh and this is Brittany! im on my moms computer!! haha.